domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2007

Corazon Loco - Blanca Li (danza) Ensemble Sequenza 9..3 (grupo vocal) Teatro Albéniz

¡Qué divertido, valiente, original! y yo que últimamente he estado diciendo "rrrollo, bueno-bonito pero aburrido". Se trataba del AMOR, de cómo la sangre en primavera se altera, de encuentros y desencuentros.
Eran bailarines que cantaban y cantantes que bailaban (al principio costaba distinguir entre quién era quién). Fue una unión entre cuerpos y voces, un espectáculo total sin limites. Era opera-dance. Blanca Li puede permitirse el lujo de hacer lo que le sale del moño...
¿Y qué podía ser la tela elástica del decorado, tan fantástica, de ciencia ficción que reflejaba, transparentaba, envolvía, sujetaba...? ¡qué imaginación! Salí agotada después de casi hora y media de juerga.

Geeee, that was original, daring, fun!!!! it made me change my lament of late which is- "ho hum, been there, seen it, done it before." It was about LOVE, the birds and the bees, of breaking up and making up and making out.
The dancers sang and the singers danced, at the beginning it was hard to tell who was who. It was a union of bodies and voices, an interaction between light, sound and movement. It was opera-dance. Blanca Li can permit herself the luxury of doing whatever she pulls out of her hat.
And what was that fantastic, elastic science-fiction material used for the back-drop that reflected, silhouetted, that encompassed, and sustained? - what imagination! I was exhausted after that hour and a half fling. (D.M.)

1 comentario:

Jill N dijo...

So much to watch, so many to slate, so few to admire. This one sounds fantastic!